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fynpo bootstrap


Install fynpo-cli for global access of fynpo command


fynpo bootstrap

Bootstrap the packages in the current fynpo repo, installs all of their dependencies and links any local dependencies. Users can configure npm scripts to run for each package while bootstrapping them in fynpo.config.js or fynpo.json.

command: {
bootstrap: { npmRunScripts: ["build"] },



Exclude list of packages from bootstrapping

fynpo bootstrap --ignore pkg1 pkg2


Bootstrap only listed packages

fynpo bootstrap --only pkg1 pkg2


Bootstrap only packages with the given scope names

fynpo bootstrap --scope @my-scope1 @my-scope2


Level of dependencies to include regardless of --scope, --ignore, or --only. Default is 10. Set this as 0 to exclude dependencies.

fynpo bootstrap --scope @my-scope1 --deps 0


List of packages to skip running fyn install on, but won't ignore.

fynpo bootstrap --skip pkg3 pkg5


Number of packages to bootstrap concurrently. Default is 3.

fynpo bootstrap --concurrency 5


Run npm script build if no prepare while bootstrapping.

fynpo bootstrap --build