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To create a new fynpo monorepo:

npx create-fynpo fynpo-repo
cd fynpo-repo
fyn # Install dependencies

Note: We're naming the repo "fynpo-repo". You can name your repo anything you'd like. The npx... command creates a directory with the same name as the repo.

Running this command will:

  • initialize git repo if its not already
  • create a package.json file if it's not exist
  • add fynpo as a devDependency in package.json
  • creat a fynpo.json/ fynpo.config.js config file
  • create an empty packages directory
  • add commitlint config if enabled

Please visit here for more detailed information about create-fynpo.


commitlint : Used to initialize the repo with commitlint configuration. This is enabled by default.

To initialize the repo without commitlint configuration, run the command with no-commitlint options. In this case, a simple fynpo.json config file will be added instead of fynpo.config.js.

npx create-fynpo fynpo-repo --no-commitlint

The commitlint configuration can always be added later by running:

npx fynpo init --commitlint

Project Structure#

The created mono repo will have the below directory structure:
