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fynpo updated


Install fynpo-cli for global access of fynpo command


fynpo updated

Return the list the packages that have been changed since last release. The returned list will be the subjects of the next fynpo changelog execution.

Similar to lerna changed command.



specify the list of packages to be force published or use * for all packages.

fynpo updated --force-publish pkg1 pkg3
fynpo updated --force-publish *

May also be configured in fynpo.json or fynpo.config.js.

forcePublish: ["*"]
forcePublish: ["pkg1", "pkg2"]


Ignore changes in files matched by glob(s) when detecting changed packages.

fynpo updated --ignore-changes '**/*.md' '**/__tests__/**'

May also be configured in fynpo.json or fynpo.config.js.

"ignoreChanges": ["**/__tests__/**", "**/*.md"]