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changeLogMarkers: ["## Packages", "## Commits"],
command: {
bootstrap: { npmRunScripts: ["build"] },
publish: { tags: {}, versionTagging: {} }
forcePublish: [],
ignoreChanges: [],
versionLocks: [],
commitlint: {


The markers used to list the changed packages and corresponding commit messages in This will be used by fynpo prepare command to detect the changed packages.


npm scripts to run for each package while bootstrapping them. Its recommended to build all the packages while bootstrapping for the local package linking to work properly.


To publish to npm with the given npm dist-tag. Users can specify different tags for different packages and also enable/disable tags for individual or multiple packages.

command: {
publish: {
tags: {
tag1: {
enabled: true, // set false to disable this tag
packages: {
"pkg1": true,
"pkg2": false, // disable tag for pkg2
addToVersion: true,
tag2: {
enabled: true,
packages: {
"pkg3": true,
addToVersion: false,
  • Above config will add the tag tag1 to publishConfig of pkg1 and tag2 to publishConfig of pkg3.
  • addToVersion - If enabled, will add the tag name to package version. Example - 1.0.0-tag1.0


To add ver[pkgVerison] as dist-tag.

command: {
publish: {
versionTagging: {
pkg4: true

if current version of pkg4 is 1.0.0, the above config will add the tag ver1 to publishConfig of pkg4.


List of packages to be force published. Use * for all packages.

To force publish all the packages,

forcePublish: ["*"]

To force publish selected packages,

forcePublish: ["pkg1", "pkg2"]


Ignore changes in files matched by glob(s) when detecting changed packages.

"ignoreChanges": ["**/__tests__/**", "**/*.md"]


Group of packages to be version locked together. Use ['*'] to lock the verisons of all the packages together.

Lock versions of all packages:

"versionLocks": ["*"]

Lock versions of selected packages:

"versionLocks": [["pkg1", "pkg3"], ["pkg2", "pkg4"]]

Here pkg1, pkg3 are version locked and pkg2, pk4 are verison locked together.


commit lint configuration. Refer here for the details of supported configurations.