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fynpo changelog


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fynpo changelog

Detect the changed packages since last release, determine version bumps based on commit messages and update file.



specify the list of packages to be force published or use * for all packages.

fynpo changelog --force-publish pkg1 pkg3
fynpo changelog --force-publish *

May also be configured in fynpo.json or fynpo.config.js.

forcePublish: ["*"]
forcePublish: ["pkg1", "pkg2"]


Ignore changes in files matched by glob(s) when detecting changed packages.

fynpo changelog --ignore-changes '**/*.md' '**/__tests__/**'

May also be configured in fynpo.json or fynpo.config.js.

"ignoreChanges": ["**/__tests__/**", "**/*.md"]


By default, fynpo changelog will commit the changes to with the commit message Update Changelog. Pass --no-commit to disable this behavior.

fynpo changelog --no-commit


If publish option is passed, changelog command will also modify package metadata to reflect new release (similar to fynpo preprae command) and commit the changes to packages and changelog file with the message [Publish]....

fynpo changelog --publish


This option is valid only if --publish is passed. If --tag option is passed, changelog will create individual tags for each changed packages.

fynpo changelog --publish --tag