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fynpo run


Install fynpo-cli for global access of fynpo command


fynpo run <my-script> -- [..args]
fynpo run build
fynpo run test

Run given npm script in all the packages that contain that script. A double-dash (--) is necessary to pass dashed arguments to the script execution.

Similar to lerna run command.



Exclude given list of packages

fynpo run build --ignore pkg1 pkg2


Run the script in only listed packages

fynpo run build --only pkg1 pkg2


Run the script in only packages with the given scope names

fynpo run build --scope @my-scope1 @my-scope2


Level of dependencies to include regardless of --scope, --ignore, or --only. Default is 10. Set this as 0 to exclude dependencies.

fynpo run build --scope @my-scope1 --deps 0


Stream output from child processes immediately, prefixed with the originating package name. This allows output from different packages to be interleaved.

fynpo run build --stream


Similar to --stream, but completely disregards concurrency and topological sorting, running a given command or script immediately in all matching packages with prefixed streaming output.

fynpo run build --parallel


Disable package name prefixing when output is streaming (--stream or --parallel). This option can be useful when piping results to other processes, such as editor plugins.

fynpo run build --stream --no-prefix


By default, fynpo run will exit with an error if any script run returns a non-zero exit code. Pass --no-bail to disable this behavior, running the script in all packages that contain it regardless of exit code.

fynpo run test --no-bail


Number of packages to execute the script concurrently. Default is 3.

fynpo run build --concurrency 5


By default, scripts are executed on packages in topologically sorted order as to respect the dependency relationships of the packages in question. Passs no-sort to disable topological sorting and to execut tasks in an arbitrary order with maximum concurrency.

fynpo run build --no-sort